Pests can cause more than just an inconvenience. They can damage property and spread diseases. For example, a rat infestation can leave gnaw marks on electrical wires that could lead to a fire. They also can spread hantavirus, leptospirosis and salmonella.

Pest Control Calabasas CA methods can include spraying with chemicals that kill or repel the pests. However, there are also natural options like nematodes that eat the pests from the inside out.
While pest control treatments are a vital part of eradicating infestations, preventative pest control strategies can be even more effective in the long run. When implemented correctly, this approach can drastically reduce the need for more drastic treatments, and minimize any health or environmental concerns that may be associated with those treatments.
Preventative strategies rely on the understanding of pest biology and ecology. By knowing their habits and ideal habitats, experts can take steps to eliminate possible entryways and deter breeding and migration. Many preventive methods are a part of integrated pest management (IPM) programs and involve monitoring pest populations, which can be accomplished through trapping, scouting, or simply taking note of their presence in an area. Identifying pests in different stages of development, such as eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults, can also help professionals determine the best course of action.
A major benefit of prevention is avoiding property damage caused by pests. Rodents, insects, and other pests can wreak havoc on structures and buildings by chewing through wood, linens, wiring, or fabrics. They can also leave behind pathogens that could make people or pets sick. Some pests carry bacteria that can spread to food, surfaces, or people, while others contaminate soil or plants.
Practicing good cleaning practices that limit access to food, water, and shelter can keep pests away. Proper waste disposal is important as well, and ensuring that garbage receptacles are located away from buildings and are regularly cleaned can help prevent pests from accessing the interior of structures. Regular inspections and implementing landscaping with minimal pest-attracting plants can also reduce the need for more drastic treatment measures.
A lot of preventative strategies are also inexpensive and relatively easy to implement. Some can be as simple as installing screens on windows and closing doors to keep pests out, while other more involved steps can include sealing cracks, gaps, and openings in walls or foundations, caulking and patching holes, and maintaining proper mowing and trimming of lawns and shrubbery to reduce hiding places for pests. Regular pest inspections should also be part of a prevention program, with special attention paid to exterior entryways and areas where utility lines enter a building.
Pests are organisms that damage or degrade crops, animals, structures and natural areas. Pest control involves taking action to reduce pest numbers below a threshold that is acceptable for the environment or economy. There are three main types of pest control: prevention, suppression and eradication. Prevention includes keeping a pest from entering the area, while suppression reduces the number of pests already present and eradication destroys an entire population of pests.
Preventing pests from entering a field, garden or home requires careful planning and monitoring. A homeowner may use screens and netting to prevent fruit from being eaten by birds, for example. A farmer may plant disease-free seed or apply fungicide to protect the crop from pests. The use of physical barriers, such as traps for rodents or mulches to inhibit weed growth, is also important in some pest control applications.
In addition to the esthetic or economic considerations that drive pest control decisions, some pests carry pathogens or have other serious negative consequences. Disease-causing organisms, for example, can ruin crops and make people ill, as well as cause significant property loss and environmental harm. Pests that pose serious health risks, such as rat-borne hantavirus, salmonella or leptospirosis, must be controlled immediately to protect human and animal lives.
The natural environment provides many ways to suppress pest populations, from predators and parasites that feed on or kill the pests to microbial grazing that limits the amount of plant tissue attacked by a particular pest species. Weather conditions also influence pest populations and can suppress them directly by killing or cooling the plants they feed on or indirectly through influencing their development and reproduction.
Some biological control agents — such as nematodes, bacteria and fungal pathogens — can be effective against multiple pest species and have broad applications in plant disease management. However, others are only effective against one or a few specific species of plant pathogens or pests. This difference is called general versus specific disease suppression.
Pests damage crops, contaminate food or other household items and spread disease to people, pets and livestock. They can also trigger asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. Some of them look scary or grotesque and others bite, sting or frighten, like rats, mice, fleas, cockroaches, spiders, silverfish and house centipedes. Some destroy personal belongings and valuables, such as ants, bees, wasps, cluster flies and pine seed bugs.
A pest control program may try to prevent a pest infestation from occurring, or it may focus on reducing the numbers of existing pests to an acceptable level. It could also seek to eradicate the pests completely. Eradication is a rare goal in outdoor pest situations, but it is possible in enclosed environments. Examples include eliminating the gypsy moth, Mediterranean fruit fly and fire ant.
Accurate identification is the first step in any pest management program. It helps determine the basic information that influences a pest’s growth and development, so it can be controlled more effectively. This information can be obtained from the pest’s common name, physical characteristics and life history. It is also a good idea to contact your commodity or industry organization, Cooperative Extension agent or State land grant university for help with the correct identification of pests.
Chemicals are a part of most pest control strategies. Insecticides kill insects, fungicides control fungal diseases and herbicides remove foliage. These chemicals are available in sprays and granules. They are usually used in conjunction with other methods of pest control, such as traps and baits. It is important to read and follow the label on any chemical pesticide. It contains detailed instructions on how to use the product safely and any hazards it might pose.
Preventive methods involve keeping pests away from your property in the first place, rather than exterminating them once they have made themselves at home. These include blocking access points, using repellents and creating barriers around your home to keep pests out. Some people also try to introduce a pest’s natural enemies, such as parasites, predators and pathogens, into their environment to keep the population of unwanted creatures in check.
Natural Forces
Pests can cause serious damage to our food, crops, lawns, gardens, homes and commercial buildings. They also displace native plants and disrupt the ecological balance of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In addition, pests can transmit diseases such as rabies, malaria, plague, typhus and Lyme disease.
Natural forces, such as weather and natural enemies, have a major influence on pest populations. In addition, geographic features such as mountains and large bodies of water restrict the spread of many pests. Other important factors that affect pest populations include availability of water and shelter, food sources, overwintering sites, and roosting and nesting places.
Biological control involves conserving or releasing natural enemies of the pest. Biological control agents may be predators, parasitoids or pathogens. Examples include the mite Amblysieus swirskii, which feeds on the damaging mite Thrips, the parasitic nematode Nematodrillus tuberculosis that kills harmful soil grubs and the wasp Encarsia formosa, which parasitizes the greenhouse whitefly. Many of these natural enemies are readily available for purchase and release, and they can be effective in greenhouses and some vegetable and fruit fields. To increase the effectiveness of biological control, refuges should be established in fields and gardens to provide alternative hosts, food for the natural enemy and protection from the pest.
Chemical controls are the most familiar form of pest control. Chemicals destroy or repel pests and can also alter the growth or development of plants or change their odor. When used properly, chemical pesticides can be effective and safe. However, they can be ineffective when the conditions for application are not met or when the wrong product is applied to a problem.
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a holistic approach to pest control that considers all aspects of the environment in which a pest operates. It includes the use of natural enemies, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and the selective use of resistant varieties. IPM seeks to achieve pest control with less harm to beneficial organisms and the environment. It requires monitoring to detect pests and determine when treatment is needed, with treatments made only after established guidelines are followed. It also incorporates the use of pesticides only when necessary, with careful consideration for risks to human health, nontarget organisms and the environment.